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(15) Closing Statements

1 year ago

Chapter 15: Closing Statements

With his power, God Almighty created heavens and the Earth. With his power, God Almighty created a host of beautiful and powerful angels. God Almighty abides with the angels, imparted the angels with free will, and delegated power and responsibilities to them. The angels had different ranks and were given different power, functions, and responsibilities. The angels worshiped God Almighty and served God Almighty by using their power to fulfill these different functions and responsibilities. Out of all the angels God created one to be more beautiful, one to be more powerful, and one with the potential to be greater, Lucifer “the light bearer”, who held the highest rank of all the angels.

God Almighty is immeasurably more beautiful, powerful, and greater than Lucifer. Lucifer was not content to serve and worship God Almighty. Lucifer envied the worship the angels gave to God Almighty. Out of pride Lucifer chose to defy God Almighty. Lucifer commanded all the angels to worship himself and rebel against God Almighty. Lucifer led some of the angels in rebellion against God Almighty. God Almighty banished Lucifer and the demonic angels purposefully to the Earth. Power and splendor departed from Lucifer and the demonic angles in their exile apart from God Almighty. Lucifer and the demonic angels shall never again abide with God Almighty. Lucifer is the “Adversary”, the “Deceiver”, the “Father of Sin”, the “Accuser”, and the “Evil One”. God created the systems of the world to serve different functions and purposes. Lucifer chose to create sin and corrupt the world with sin; Lucifer works to manipulate and pervert the functions and purposes of the systems of this world. Lucifer has set himself as “king” of this world, and desires the whole world to worship him. God Almighty has allowed Lucifer and the demonic angels to roam the Earth and deceive it for a time and for a purpose, to test those who are faithful.

The Evil One has chosen to abuse free will and has led a host of demonic angels in rebellion against God Almighty. The Adversary has dared to defy God Almighty. The Accuser has dared to corrupt and accuse God’s children. The Deceiver has dared to deceive this world. The Father of Sin has dared to declare himself “king” of this world. The Adversary, the Accuser, the Deceiver, the Evil One has chosen to corrupt this world with sin. God Almighty knew this. God Almighty planned for this. God Almighty has allowed this for his purpose. God Almighty designed and created this world. God Almighty allowed sin and corruption to enter this world. The Adversary, the Accuser, the Deceiver, the Evil One can do nothing beyond what God Almighty has allowed. God Almighty will destroy this world with a purging fire. The destruction of this world will be the new birth of the new kingdom that will be made perfect. This will happen all according to his plan. The Adversary, the Accuser, the Deceiver, the Evil One, knows his time is short and his destruction is imminent. Lucifer and all the demonic angels will perish in the Lake of Fire and will suffer eternal death apart from God Almighty.

The Adversary and fallen demonic angels have worked to corrupt this world and pervert the design of this world. Lucifer and his demonic angles have corrupted all of mankind with sin. Lucifer and his demonic angels have deceived this world. All of mankind have been deceived into choosing to sin. All of mankind have sinned and become corrupted and imperfect. It is impossible for sinful humanity to abide with God Almighty, it is impossible for sinful humanity to enter the New Kingdom, it is impossible for sinful humanity earn Eternal Life. All of sinful humanity will perish in the Lake of Fire and will suffer Eternal Death apart from God Almighty. All of humanity has become sinful and corrupted. There is not one among us who has not sinned. It is impossible for sinful humanity to save itself and earn Eternal Life. What is impossible for mankind to accomplish, God Almighty has made allowance to accomplish according to his plan.

God Almighty is eternal. He was, he is, he will always be; beyond time and space. God Almighty is all-powerful. There is nothing beyond his Power. God Almighty is creator. Everything was created by his design including free will and its consequences. God Almighty is unchanging. His will cannot be undone. God Almighty is communal. He created free persons with free will. God Almighty is all-knowing. Everything unfolds within the constraints of his plan. God Almighty is all-seeing. Nothing escapes his knowledge. God Almighty is pure and undefiled. No imperfect sinful being shall abide with him. God Almighty is trinity. Holy Father, Spirit, and Son are three persons, but one almighty being; three-in-one. God Almighty is Holy Father. The Holy Father uses his knowledge to ensure all things unfold according his plan. God Almighty is Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit uses his power for divine intervention to fulfill his plan. God Almighty is Holy Son. The Holy Son was clothed in human flesh to be the arbitrator and for all mankind. God Almighty is Son of Man. By the power of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Son was conceived in a virgin Jewish woman. God Almighty is redeemer. The Son took on the form of man to forge the way for all mankind to inherit eternal life. God Almighty is perfection. Out of all mankind, only the Son is perfect, sinless, and worthy to enter eternal life. God Almighty is gracious. The blood of his only Son was shed to cleanse sin, so that others may inherit Eternal Life. God Almighty is Lord. Only those who choose to trust in the Son as their Lord have accepted his arbitration to be cleansed of sin by his blood and made perfect. God Almighty is savior. Mankind is sinful, but those who sins are cleansed will be made perfect and inherit eternal life. God Almighty is judge. All who refuse the Son as their Lord are imperfect, sinful, and cannot enter Eternal Life. God Almighty is merciful. Those who refuse the Son as their Lord have been given the time and opportunity to repent. God Almighty is Just. Those who refuse the Son as their Lord sinfully refuse Eternal Life, and will suffer Eternal Death.

God Almighty chose Abram (Abraham) to be the father of his nation. Abraham’s trust in God Almighty was counted as righteousness and to foretell that the Holy Father would sacrifice his only Son. Abraham was instructed to sacrifice an animal in place of his son. The Jewish people symbolically sacrificed animal for sin place of his Holy Son. The Jewish people were instructed to shed the blood of animals for their sins to foretell that the Holy Father would allow the blood of his Holy Son to be shed to cleanse the sins of mankind. God Almighty instructed the Jewish prophets to prophesy and foretell the coming of his Holy Son. His Holy Son was to be the Messiah (Anointed One, King), the Christ, the Savior of the Jewish people and of all nations who are all blessed through him. According to prophesy, the Messiah was to be a “Son of David” and was to be born in the town of Bethlehem, but would be called a Nazarene. The virgin Jewish woman Mary conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and gave birth to the Holy Son, Yeshua (translated to Jesus in English). Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah, the Christ, the Holy Son of the living God Almighty, God with us, Emmanuel.

God Almighty chose the Jewish people to be the instrument through which his Holy Son would be born and raised as a Jewish man by a Jewish family in a Jewish culture, as the “Son of David”, whose kingdom would never end. Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth were forced to briefly travel to back to Bethlehem to fulfill their obligations of the Roman census. The Holy Son, Yeshua (Jesus) was born in Bethlehem, but was raised in Nazareth.

His only Son chose to always be obedient to his Father and chose to live a perfect human life without sin. The Holy Son taught truth to his disciples to prepare them for their mission of spreading his Word. His only Son chose to offer himself as a willing sacrifice and shed his own blood to cleanse the sins of mankind. God Almighty allowed his only Son to be scourged, be humiliated, endure the torture of a Roman execution, and die, and be pierced with a spear, but none of his bones were broken. He was buried in a tomb placed under Roman guard. On the third day the Holy Son was resurrected from the dead. In his resurrected body, the Holy Son appeared to his disciples and to hundreds of people. God Almighty delegated the responsibility and the mission of recording and spreading his word to his prophets and his disciples. God Almighty sent the Holy Spirit to encourage and empower his disciples and apostles to build his Church.

His Holy Church is the bride of Christ. His first coming was just the engagement ceremony, but his second coming will be the wedding ceremony.

God Almighty gave us free will and he has and is everything to overflow with generosity. He lacks nothing and needs nothing from us except our love. Love is the purpose; for him to lovingly give to us generously and for us to lovingly receive from him thankfully. His Holy Church is not a building or institution. His Holy Church is not any one denomination; Lucifer is the Deceiver who works to cause distractions, works to cause frivolous rivalry, and works to divide his Holy Church. Satan uses hypocrites in each of the denominations to try to make them point the finger at each other. His Church is made of all those who trust in the Holy Son as their Lord and Savior. Obedience is not the cause of trust nor is it a requirement of trust, but rather obedience is the fruit of trust and consequence of trust. His Church is made of those whose sins will be cleansed by the blood of his Holy Son. His Church is made of those who will be made perfect and inherit eternal life. Not all who enter a building or participate in an institution will enter eternal life. Not all who call the Holy Son “Lord” will inherit Eternal Life. Many will hypocritically call the Holy Son “Lord” and not inherit eternal life. Wide is the path that leads to destruction and narrow is the path that leads to eternal life.

Even the demonic angels call him “Lord”. Rather than obedience, the oxymoronic satanic response is, “Never, Lord!”. Only those who are willing to follow him and repent and give up their sinful habits will inherit Eternal Life. To those who call him “Lord” but still cling to their sinful habits, he will say “Depart from me you evil-doer. I never knew you”. Many unsaved humans will not choose eternal life. Those who do not choose eternal life will all perish in the Lake of Fire along with the Adversary and the fallen demonic angels. The saved humans who choose Eternal Life will be remade perfect with new uncorrupted bodies and shall abide with God Almighty and his holy angels in the New Kingdom forever without end. The New Kingdom will be paradise, and there will be life, love, hope, meaning, joy, purpose, and peace. God Almighty will delegate powers, knowledge, abilities, responsibilities, and freedoms to God’s Children. God’s Children will be reunited with one another, celebrate the wedding feast, judge angels, perform, and make new creations all to the glory of God Almighty. Death, pain, suffering, and sorrow will cease to exist, the vaccination against sin will be complete, and life, hope meaning, joy, purpose, peace, and love will remain forever.

God Almighty gave the angels free will and the responsibility to choose. Free will comes with both the freedom and responsibility to choose, but it also comes with consequences for abusing that free will by choosing wrongly. Lucifer and the demonic angels abused that free will and will face eternal death. Lucifer is a murder, a deceiver, and the Father of Sin. God Almighty has allowed Lucifer has to be the ruler of this world for short time for a purpose of testing us to expose and vaccinate our sin. God Almighty has given mankind free will and the responsibility to choose. Lucifer has corrupted this world with sin. Sin is a parasite. Sin is a virus. Sin perverts God Almighty’s creation and from its purpose, function, and benefit. God Almighty hates sin and will not tolerate it. When mankind chooses not to sin, they fulfill the desire of God Almighty. When mankind chooses to sin, they fulfill the desire of Lucifer, the Father of Sin. Is your father the Holy Father, the Father of Eternal Life, or is your father the Ruler of This World, the Father of Sin? If your father is the Father of Eternal Life, then you will listen to his Word and you will obey His word. For a father and child speak the same language. If your father is the Father of Sin, then God’s Word will be dismissed, and you will choose obedience to sin instead of obedience to God Almighty.

Sin does not affect only the person or people who chose to sin, but rather it often causes others in society to suffer, it forces others in society to bear the burden of that sin, and it force others to pay the price of that sin. God Almighty has not given the authority and responsibility to the individual nor the mob to provide vigilante vengeance against that sin. God Almighty allows for the individual to use reactive self-defense against imminent peril, but God Almighty hates when the individual or mob uses proactive vigilante vengeance and premeditated retribution. When the sin of one person causes others who are innocent of that sin to suffer, bear the burden from that sin, or pay the price of that sin, then it is the responsibility of the government to intervene. God Almighty has delegated authority and responsibility to the government to intervene and provide justice against such oppressive sin. The penalty of treason against a mortal government is mortal death. The penalty of treason against the eternal government is eternal death.

God Almighty alone will judge a person. No person is to judge another person. If we disobey God Almighty and judge another person, then God Almighty will judge us by the same measure or even more severely. All mankind was created in the image of God Almighty. Every human being has human dignity bestowed and protected by God Almighty. Therefore, no person should judge another person and thereby tarnish another person’s human dignity. God Almighty has commanded us not to judge people, but He does command us to have discernment and judge words and actions. God Almighty has commanded us to love the person who sins, but hate the act of sin. We must not discriminate against the person who sins, but we must discriminate against the act of sin. The Church is responsible only for judging the sin of those inside the Church. God will judge the sin of those outside the church. The Church is only responsible for lovingly informing those outside the Church of the gospel message and then letting them choose freely.

Every person has the freedom to choose, but the responsibility to bear the consequences of their own sin when they encounter the white throne judgment. God Almighty loves us. God almighty has given us the truth of his Word. God Almighty has warned us of the consequences, but allows us to choose. So too should we share the truth of his Word. So too should we love our neighbor. So too must we warn our neighbor of the consequences, but let our neighbor choose.

God Almighty has sent his prophets. God Almighty has sent his Son. God Almighty has given this generation his Word. This Generation has been warned. This generation has ignored the truth. This generation claims ignorance. This generation mocks the truth. This generation can still choose to repent.

The Church should only be offended by those within in the church that do not repent and thereby tarnish his name. The Church should only judge those within the church who are hypocrites. The Church should not be offended when those outside the church do not repent. The Church should merely lovingly inform those outside the church of the truth of the gospel and the truth of the consequences for not repenting and let them freely choose. If those outside the church hear the gospel message but freely choose not to repent, then the Church with a clear conscience can let them depart. God gave us free will and informs us but does not coerce us to repent, so too should the Church do to those outside the church. Those inside the church must repent and be corrected or at least temporarily expelled from the Church lest they tarnish his name. The Church should feel no insult and no shame about a person who has heard the genuine gospel message but freely chooses not to repent. The Church should be ashamed of itself for allowing hypocrites to freely remain within the Church without being corrected or temporarily expelled. The Church should be ashamed of itself for those outside of the church who have never genuinely heard the gospel message. There is no shame in having the gospel message rejected. The only shame is in having the gospel message not being heard. The Church needs to get outside of the church and do loving acts of charity and kindness in the community to give it the platform to communicate the gospel message and let people freely choose to accept it or reject it.

Reality has already been determined; you have no power to cause historical facts to be true or false. We have abused our free will and separated ourselves from God our Loving Father by choosing to commit sins. Out of his love for us God has offered us a way back to him forever. If we but follow him, we will have eternal life, love, hope, meaning, joy, purpose, and peace. Yeshua (Jesus) is Lord our redeemer. Yeshua (Jesus) died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Yeshua (Jesus) rose from the dead on the 3rd day to create the only path to be restored to God. These are historical facts. If you do not believe me, then genuinely research them yourself and choose to make an informed decision.

Do you think that creation assembled itself? Do you think you will not face death? Do you have the power to conquer death? Do you have the power to keep your decaying body alive in a decaying universe forever? Who alone has the power to conquer death and give you eternal life, love, hope, meaning, joy, purpose and peace? If you were not created from oblivion, then when you die, you not face oblivion, but rather you face eternal death. Do you think ignorance is a valid defense against the rule of law? Do you think that God Almighty can be deceived?

The choice is one; repent now and be saved or face the white throne judgment. The choice is one; be sealed with eternal life or be marked for destruction and eternal death. The Holy Son shed his blood so that your sins might be cleansed and forgiven. All sin can be forgiven except for one. The one is pride. The pride to abuse free will and the pride refuse to call the Holy Son “Lord”. The one is pride, which can be manifest in a prideful abuse of free will, a prideful clinging to an addiction to sin, and a prideful complacently to remain in slavery to sinful habits.

God Almighty loves you. God Almighty is merciful and gives you the opportunity to repent. You have been warned. It is foolish to reject eternal life and cling to your slavery to your habit of sin. Judgment is imminent. If you choose to reject eternal life, there is no one to blame but yourself. You cannot blame God. You cannot choose both the Kingdom of God and treason. You must choose one or the other. You have been warned about the penalty of treason. The freedom and responsibility to choose is yours. God Almighty loves you.

A friend or relative or altruistic person will give a loving warning when a person they love is doing something harmful that could result in death. That loving warning about how reality actually is can either be gratefully acknowledged or stubbornly rejected. When someone is stubborn, they will think the most loving warnings to be an insult to their pride. The question is one: Is the warning given for purpose of taking advantage of you or is the warning given for your own benefit? If the purpose of the warning is to take advantage of you, then you would be right to be offended by the deceptive warning. However, if the purpose of the warning is for your own benefit, then the only reason to be offended by the genuine warning is stubborn pride. You can choose your sinful habits, but you cannot choose the consequences for them; reality determines the consequences.

The choice is yours. The question is one; if you were to die today, are you right with God? Do you trust in him who is worthy of your trust? Make an informed decision for your eternal dwelling place; don’t just choose out of ignorance, misinformation, or habit. If you still choose to cling to your habit of sin, then that you will face the white throne judgment when you die; he is coming soon.

John 3:16-18

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.

Romans 10:9

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

2 John 1:6

And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.

James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Matthew 28:17-20

When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 25:32-40

All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’


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