(14) A Final Conclusion

11 months ago

Chapter 14: A Final Conclusion

The Bible has prophesies that clearly point to Yeshua (Jesus) as the Jewish Messiah. The whole Old Testament is filled to the brim with symbolism and foreshadowing screaming Yeshua (Jesus) is the Jewish Messiah. The Bible has numerous cases of Jesus performing miracles to validate his claim of being the Jewish Messiah. The Bible is clearly overwhelming evidence for the fact that Jesus claimed to be our Lord and God. Therefore if all this evidence is taken into account, clearly Jesus is our Lord and God. If we do not believe that Jesus is our Lord and God, then clearly we would need to find some way to reject the evidence. A person who has already chosen to reject Jesus as their Lord and God cannot be convinced of it by any amount of evidence or reason. If Jesus is not our Lord and God, then the evidence supporting Jesus being our Lord and God must be rejected. If the evidence supporting Jesus being our Lord and God is rejected then there is no evidence remaining to prove that Jesus is our Lord and God. If there is no evidence remaining to prove that Jesus is not our Lord and God, then Jesus is not our Lord and God. Therefore, if Jesus is not our Lord and God, then Jesus is not our Lord and God. A person who has already rejected Jesus as their Lord and God will choose to believe that no amount of evidence could prove that Jesus actually is Lord and God.

Luke 16:31

“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”

If someone has rejected Jesus as Lord and God, the last thing they are going to do is pray to God for wisdom and understanding and then read the four gospel accounts and apostles’ letters for themselves. God promises that he will reveal the truth to those who genuinely seek him. If someone has rejected God, they will not genuinely seek the answer to whether Jesus is their Lord and God. Satan uses a number of tactics to discourage people from genuinely seeking God. One of the main tactics of Satan is to prevent people from genuinely reading and listening to what the four gospel accounts and apostles’ letters actually say. Occults and false religions often provide pamphlets and hand-outs that have specially selected superficial excerpts that avoid genuine teachings of the Bible. Occults and false religions may even forbid members for genuinely reading investigating the Bible themselves or having genuine debates about it. The occults and false religions will heavily scrutinize passages out of context with false assumptions while not even scrutinizing their own documents and are told just to trust the authority of their false prophets with little to no evidence. I challenge you to genuinely scrutinize the evidence for any religious document with the same scrutiny you use on the evidence for the Bible and see how it compares.

1 John 4:1

[ On Denying the Incarnation ] Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

If someone has not rejected truth, they will be willing to genuinely investigate it and gain more understanding or more confidence. If someone has already rejected truth, no amount of evidence could persuade them of the truth because they will simply reject the evidence. One of Satan’s strategies is to circulate false speculations and hope that no one genuinely investigates for themselves. It is a historical fact that Jesus was a real person, who really claimed to be Lord and God, who really died on a cross, who really rose from the dead, and really had his disciples who were willing give up their lives to spread the gospel message. There is substantial evidence that this historical fact has not been altered or changed in the Bible. There is substantial evidence verify the historical authenticity of the Bible. You can go online and look up the “Dead Sea Scrolls”. They have been digitally photographed for you to observe online. You can go online and look up the “New Testament Manuscripts”. They have the ancient manuscripts digitally photographed for you to observe online. There are thousands of manuscripts that verify that the fact that Jesus claimed to be Lord and God is historically accurate. The people who have rejected Jesus as their Lord and God will fabricate false conspiracy theories about the Bible precisely because the evidence in the Bible is so strong for Jesus being Lord and God. The people who slander the Bible with false speculation have no evidence and will use words like “could” or “might” or “may”. Examine the actual evidence and make an informed decision.

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