In Christ's Hands | Sermon 07/23/2023

1 year ago

John 10:22-29

Some time has gone by since Jesus revealed He is the Good Shepherd and it is now winter during the Feast of Dedication. While families and synagogues were lighting menorahs to commemorate the rededication of the temple after its glorious recapture from the Seleucids, the Light of the World, Jesus, God in the flesh, walks among His people. It then says the Jews encircled Him hoping for a clearer confession if Jesus thinks He is the Christ. It’s not that Jesus has not spoken clearly to who He is; it’s that that they refuse to believe it. His mouth, their ears, they both function fine; it’s their unbelief. Christ then demonstrates the sovereignty of God over their unbelief, they are not of His sheep. They have no capacity to believe.

He reminds us of the characteristics of true and sheep: they hear His voice, He knows them, and they follow Him. Jesus then describes the most glorious benefits of being of His sheep. They have eternal life. They will never perish. They will never be snatched out of His hand. While kingdoms and cities decay, and new ones rise our spiritual existences will only flourish. Perishing was our original conclusion but now, no matter how much it may look like we are close to perishing, Jesus says we never will. Jesus never lets us go. We are in His hands and He has all power. Nothing and one can overcome Him. We are in the safest place we can be, in His hands. And while in His hand we are sent out as arrows; given to others as fragrant flowers; applied to others as balm and medicine; messages and tablets to the world; and as beautiful ornaments that glorify the heavenly Bridegroom. We are preserved in His hands. Both the Father and the Son stand behind this powerful preservation of the sheep. This is ultimate security because Jesus is the ultimate Savior and Shepherd.

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