"Operation Black Start"

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As of my last update in September 2021, "Operation Black Start" primarily refers to a scenario exercise conducted by the United States' North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) to test and prepare for a large-scale blackout. It is a simulated exercise, not an actual operation.

The purpose of Operation Black Start is to assess and improve the readiness of utilities, government agencies, and other relevant stakeholders in responding to and recovering from a hypothetical widespread power outage. The exercise aims to identify potential weaknesses in the power grid infrastructure, communication protocols, emergency response plans, and coordination between different entities during a major power disruption.

It's worth noting that the term "Black Start" itself refers to the process of restoring power to the electrical grid after a total or partial blackout. In a real-world situation, this process involves bringing power plants online in a carefully planned sequence to gradually restore power to the grid and avoid overloading the system.

Keep in mind that since my knowledge is not current beyond September 2021, there may have been updates or developments related to "Operation Black Start" beyond that date. If you're looking for the latest information, I recommend checking reliable sources or news outlets for the most recent developments on this topic.

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