'a guy in his room:' ep. 168 - Live episode with @plasterharris Narwhal of Comicsgate!!

1 year ago

note: sorry about the audio levels not being even, but at least you can hear narwhal.
Will fix this whenever I do another live stream, but the audio is more even on the audio podcast (check the linktree for apps)

podcast live episode recording with Narwhal of CG!! @plasterharris Check out his newest comic Earthbound: Grande Prix!!! https://www.fundmycomic.com/campaign/220/earthbound-grande-prix

All podcast links:
Original livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH3Blz1lKEM
New a guy in his room #168!

This time I talk to @plasterharris who was gracious enough to talk to a non-millionaire Youtuber like myself, about comicsgare which I've been following since 2020, and have been super fascinated with bc I love the whole idea of the movement and how free it is, and how it's directly to the fans, etc. Narwhal seems like the 'critics favorite' of CG, and despite the fact that I haven't even read his comics yet, he just seems like such an insightful guy and creative artist that I really wanted to talk to him. Can't wait to check out his work and definitely check it out yourself and support Earthbound Grand Prix!!!
(up for a couple more weeks or so!)
Sike and Lubscribe now!

Intro, Narwhal and comicsgate,
How Narwhal got started/into comicsgate,
Comicsgate vs mainstream - self censorship,
Sending comics to publishers but not hearing back,
Comics not hiring white people,
Standup comic in philly having diversity spreadsheet for booking,
Losing friends in 2016 over politics and 2020,
Being told someone is a n**i or hateful,
Jordan Peterson and gender issues,
The old gender bathroom issue,
Owen Benjamin being blacklisted over trans kid tweet?
Hollywood pushing limits to always seem ‘progressive’,
Narwhal favorite comics? (Frank Miller Daredevil/Born again, disintegration street)
Advice for what comics/movies to show kids,
More a fan of surreal or straight forward stories (David lynch vs action movies),
Studying story telling or not really analyzing it,
Lynch’s dune vs the new one,
Movies better than tv shows,
Like storytelling or drawing more?
Learning animation,
The beginning of CG,
Getting ‘Ya Boi Zack’s attention and eventual praise,
Quitting his deli job and ‘making it’,
Putting yourself out there smartly vs being needy or too shy,
Outgoing people get way more than shy people,
White straight successful artists being cowards now,
Artists losing their edge or ability eventually,
Stephen king and creators becoming totally biased and politically dumb,
Dead comedians/artists and how they would be now
The left using 1984 when they are pro censoring,
Check out Narwhal’s campaigns (fundmycomic.com) @PlasterHarris on youtube, NarwhalBooks, Per Berg.

#narwhal #comicsgate #cg #plasterharris #narwhalbooks #earthbound #grandprix #earthboundgrandprix #fundmycomic #woke #sjws #comicindustry #censorship #2016election #trump #gamergate #owenbenjamin #cancelled #aclu #1984 #frankmiller #stephenking #yaboizack #ethanvansciver #comicartistprosecrets #evs #jordanpeterson #davidlynch #storytelling

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