The Simple Exercise to Uncover Your Hidden Beliefs & Overcome Self Sabotage!

10 months ago

Have you ever experienced self sabotage in your life? You know, that experience where you're trying to achieve something, you're making progress and then at one point... you go straight back to square zero.

Self sabotage is a nasty thing that holds us back from reaching our goals?

Here's what you need to know:

You ALWAYS get what you want!

Sounds like a contraction, doesn't it?

The thing is you always get what you want, but you don't always get what you want consciously. Meaning that if you want to achieve a certain goal consciously but subconsciously you feel unworthy of that goal, you will get what your subconscious wants!

That's why self sabotage happens.

And so, in order to overcome self sabotage, you need to first find your inner demons. In other words, you need to find out what hidden beliefs you have about yourself and your abilities so that you can work on overcoming limiting beliefs in order to achieve your goals once and for all!

So, how do you uncover your hidden beliefs?

In this video, you will learn where limiting beliefs come from and you will get a simple exercise to uncover your limiting beliefs. After you have found those, you can get started on processing them so that they no longer hold you back from achieving the goals that you want!

Best of luck on your journey to more self awareness and success!

#limitingbeliefs #beliefs #mindset

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