Ep215i – Behind the Rebel: AVI YEMENI’s Wild Life, Loves & Biggest Secret

1 year ago

Ep215i – The Other Side Interviews AVI YEMENI – Rebel News Reporter

There are few people who have impacted the independent media scene in Australia as much as Rebel News Australia editor AVI YEMENI. As Damian notes in this tell-all interview, Avi is a man who makes the energizer bunny look like a zombie. By 20 years of age he’d lived more life than many do by 60. His relentless coverage of the other side of the story during Covid, amid a Melbourne professional media class that were all too enamoured by Dan Andrews and busy towing the party line, is well known to his fans.
What's less known is the wild journey that began the moment of his birth in Melbourne in 1985. Born the 10th of 17 kids in his family, raised in an Ultra-Orthodox Jewish home, expelled from schools and out of control, Avi was given an ultimatum by his parents and left home to live on the streets at 14. Within a year, battling a life-threating drug addiction, he returned, determined to straighten himself out. What followed was the Israeli Army and an unusual turn of events that led him to on-line news reporting.

This Ep 215i first aired on ADH TV on 25 July 2023. The Other Side Interviews is a weekly long-form interview show on important news topics. It streams every Tuesday night at 6pm on Australia's ADH TV at https://watch.adh.tv/the-other-side-interviews-1 It complements the weekly main show The Other Side Australia with Damian Coory which is a news and commentary summary show that streams on Friday nights at 8pm.

This program involves discussion of domestic violence and family law which may cause distress to some viewers.
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