Disabled / Underage / Overage Ukrainian Men Sent To Front Line To Die

11 months ago

🚨Ukraine mobilizes disabled people from psychiatric clinics and doctors give their ok in the medical exam.
-> Winning army? … Just sad
🆔Follow: @Sound0fFreedom

Eugenics- It’s not that they don’t care about us.

They care deeply.

They will pit us against each other until the cows come home because to “Them” we are a Burden. We are Goyim. They consider us like animals. Things that use up” their “ resources, etc…

We are the Carbon Footprint they want to get rid of.

That’s why the white hats had to save Israel for last.?Because most American Traitors and Satanists and Evil Businessmen ~ by some random act of nature Just So Happen To Be Jewish or have Dual Citizenship with Israel

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