Mae Brussell 12.01.86

1 year ago

World Watchers International - Contragate officially rolling along. NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL FINALLY being exposed. Trials of Laxalt, Presser, Donovan, Nofziger, Deaver, DeLorean, and KLAUS BARBIE, could come around to Reagan-Bush Mafia + Nazi + intelligence. REYKJAVIK SUMMIT STILL HAS EUROPE IN SHOCK. MICHAEL LEDEEN gets cheap arms at PENTAGON expense. SAUDI ARABIA-IRAN deals enter picture. STANFORD TECHNOLOGY, ALBERT HAKIM, RICHARD SECORD, and OTTO von BOLSCHWING. NEUTRON BOMB up-date. CASEY, HAIG, SINGLAUB, PERES, ISRAEL team. CHRISTIC INSTITUTE lawsuitt, Gun-running, murder, narcotic traffic Contras with CIA, Bay of Pigs, Cubans. Anniversary murder of JOHN LENNON. HAIG, PAZDIENZA, LEDEEN, ALLEN connections?
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