'Dawn Hochsprung ALIVE: She Was NOT Shot at Sandy Hook Elementary School' - 2013

1 year ago

Published 1-20-2013

BILL OF RIGHTS: http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/char...

OPEN LETTER: "To Newtown Bee: Since neither physical nor imaging data confirms that ANY child (or adult) has been shot at Sandy Hook Elementary School on 14 December 2012, and that the so-called "parents" available video clearly indicate fraud...the cumulative indications are that your newspaper is directly involved in the US Government criminal activity...as a DIRECT attack on the US Constitution's 2nd Amendment. Oh...in saving what little integrity left to the Newtown Bee...the paper did report (initially) that Dawn Hochsprung is ALIVE and WELL...your later retraction notwithstanding. Finally: YOU ARE COWARDS."

As in the Charles (Chic) Burlingame hero-business...and he too is ALIVE...as NO AIRCRAFT impacted the Pentagon on 11 September 2001...certainly NOT his "American Airlines Flight 77) Boeing 757-200 which landed one mile away...his approach following a precise route over the Pentagon to the auxiliary runway at then Washington National Airport...well...the magnificent Dawn Hochsprung has been paid well with funds created (by Ben of course) just for Sandy Hook Elementary, Newton CT purposes.


Due to limited funding...only tearless acting is available...new US government taxes being required for more exacting realism. Well...just more-or-less try to imagine Kaitlyn Roig, Nick Phelps and Robbie Parker as "crying" with tears. Salaries for these actors and actresses are billed to the American taxpayers of course...as 2nd and 22nd Amendments negations processes ain't cheap these days...

The Ridgefield School District's new budget approaches 3 million dollars ($2,600,000) as a DIRECT result from the US Government fraudulent shooting operations, in support of 2nd Amendment negation efforts, in full authorization by Soetoro-Obama and Eric Holder. As accomplice, Ridgefield and Sandy Hook Elementary School pecuniary benefits are excellent, and much appreciated by the town of Newton, CT.

Consider this: current physical and imaging data indicate NO CHILDREN WERE SHOT at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Pre-shooting postings on the yet-to-occur "tragedy" DOES indicate that Sandy Hook Elementary...and the Superintendent Debie Low must have known of the coming US Government operations...and are therefore accomplices.


[...and...oh...by the way: ...these are MURDER crimes...and YES...children's bullet-ridden bodies ARE the physical proof required to confirm this event...NOT endless words by the White House media and its disinformation compliants. Why do people NOT believe (correctly of course) that bin Laden was killed by US troops on 02 May 2011?...precisely because NO BODY was presented in imaging or otherwise...for confirmation. Since 22 Nov 1963...through 26 Feb 1993...through 11 Sep 2001...the US Government LIES to the People and world...for MONEY..for POWER.]

US Government STEALS FACEBOOK Lily to criminally assign her to "Allison Watt" Sandy Hook Elementary "victim" fraudulent profile:

The Connection to Century 16 Theater, Aurora, Colorado: Seen grieving terribly at Debbie Hochsprung's "funeral", is of course Jennifer Greenberg-Sexton, alias Lisa Damiani of the Damiani Group (San Diego), alias James Holmes lawyer, and alias-for-hire. Jennifer and her family are US Government operatives in the acting business (Video Box's Crisis Actors)...and TRAITORS TO THEIR COUNTRY...participating as they do in US Constitution negation efforts by Soetoro-Obama and his corrupt US Attorney General...Eric Holder.
Jennifer Greenberg-Sexton (alias Laura Phelps; alias Lisa Damiani) Actress:

http://www.collective-evolution.com/2... (February 2013 Summary of Listed Questionable Events)"

If you appreciate the things I find then might I consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain https://vestige.fi/asset/1156612691
Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)

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