Crystal Rivers | Open Book | Jul 25, 2023

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Our Heavenly Identity in Christ: Escaping Earthly Limitations Through Our Heavenly Lineage

This teaching emphasizes that as believers in Christ, we have a new identity and heavenly lineage that supersedes any earthly genealogy. Through faith, we become children of God, born of His Spirit. We share in the heavenly origin of Jesus and inherit the spiritual blessings promised to Abraham. Sin and generational curses are broken by Christ's atonement. We must declare our authority and victory in Him through scriptural truths. This message reminds us that familiar spirits have no claim over us anymore. Our destiny is found in our identity as new creations in Christ, not in the lineage or limitations of our earthly families.

The Crystal Rivers online meetings are an organic ministry expression of the Cave Adullam community that came as an obedient response to a clear instruction from the Lord and a desire to stay connected to each other regardless of our location on the globe. Join us as we pray, fast and dig into the word with at least one expression of the crystal sea flowing via Zoom every weekday :

Crystal Rivers | Open Book | Jul 25, 2023

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