Genetic Manipulation (Part 2 of 5): Enhanced genetics from beings of higher realities can be used…

11 months ago

Q shared many details about being a Grey on his BBS Radio show Being Inspired with Q, 7/22/23. Towards the end of this show, Q begins talking about genetic manipulation that has taken place on the planet. Many alternative news outlets have touched on this over the last few years as it relates to the past, present, and future. Q offers insight that helps connect the dots and provides tools to help us sidestep any Dark agendas.

Part 2 of the Genetic Manipulation audio series addresses how Q's DNA was taken by the Dark. He states that the next round of genetics will be enhanced since it is coming from higher dimensional beings. Specific DNA has been given to celebrities to give them an edge over the general population. The Dark enjoy playing genetic games such as creating species mixed with animal and human DNA like swine. They also enjoy having many different types of beings on the same planet, such as giants and dwarves. Most worlds have one type of race or being on them. The Dark or off-world aliens love being able to manipulate 26-28 different key races here on Earth.

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