The Cowboy & the Suit - Sean, James and Lynz Piper-Loomis Discuss the Sound of Freedom movie

1 year ago

With the movie "Sound of Freedom" impacting the Nation and exposing the reality of child trafficking, rape and pedophilia, Sean Patrick Tario (The Suit) and James Charles Phillips (The Cowboy) sit with our friend and fellow warrior for Christ Lynz Piper-Loomis to discuss the journey she's had overcoming being raped and used in rituals as a child to now working on the front lines of the battle to save kids and bring those responsible for such abuse to justice.

We discuss exactly how YOU can take immediate action to get involved and discuss a few of the organizations that we believe are actually making an impact:

The Association for the Recovery of Children -
Project Protect & Defend our Children -

Check out Lynz's book -
Help support her campaign for South Carolina House District 98 -
Lynz is a Christian Constitutional Conservative, actionvist, author, stateswoman, and a mother who is beyond fed up with our local, state, and federal government. She has zero tolerance for removal of God from our country, the destruction of the nuclear family, dehumanization, sterilization, and mutilation of our children, the murdering of the innocent, and the dismantling & destruction of our sacred votes & irrevocable Rights given to us by the Creator.

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