Silent no More - Woke Business - Weather Changes

1 year ago

62% of Americans Say They Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

A new Cato national survey finds that self‐​censorship is on the rise in the United States. Nearly two-thirds—62%—of Americans say the political climate these days prevents them from saying things they believe because others might find them offensive. The share of Americans who self‐​censor has risen several points since 2017 when 58% of Americans agreed with this statement.

Corporations are going woke, but a backlash is underway

Ever noticed how often businesses are uber-villains in popular films and television? Gordon Gekkos and cartoon corporate bad guys are common tropes of cinema. These caricatures are, for the most part, unfair and inaccurate. Sure, there have been Enrons and industry scandals such as the one that recently shook Wells Fargo. Yet, in advanced countries that enjoy economic freedom and stable institutions, most businesses most of the time benefit society and generate widespread health and prosperity.

Businesses, acting ethically and in good faith, follow rules, treat others with respect, and enable cooperation and trust among diverse individuals. They provide value by producing goods and services that make our lives easier and better.

Do this when you get a customer service rep you can’t understand

Have you ever called a customer service or tech support line and ended up having to talk to a rep you couldn’t understand?

Well, me too, and to say it’s a very frustrating experience would be the understatement of the year.

Many large companies now outsource their call center operations to third-party companies located in foreign countries.

And as you well know, that can create quite a language barrier if you happen to get a rep who doesn’t speak English all that well.

But as luck would have it, there’s often a very simple solution to this problem…

The next time you end up getting stuck with a customer service or tech support rep you have trouble understanding, try asking them to “escalate” the call.

How Al Gore Built The Global Warming Fraud

Although his science is often seriously wrong, no one can deny that Al Gore has a flair for the dramatic.

Speaking about climate change in an October 12 PBS interview, the former vice-president proclaimed, “We have a global emergency.”

Referring to the most recent UN climate report, Gore claimed it showed that current global warming “could actually extend to an existential threat to human civilization on this planet as we know it.”

Science Has Spoken: Global Warming Is a Myth

Political leaders are gathered in Kyoto, Japan, working away on an international treaty to stop "global warming" by reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The debate over how much to cut emissions has at times been heated--but the entire enterprise is futile or worse. For there is not a shred of persuasive evidence that humans have been responsible for increasing global temperatures. What's more, carbon dioxide emissions have actually been a boon for the environment

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