Cholita: A year in the jungle

7 years ago

HAPPY 1ST YEAR IN THE FOREST CHOLITA! NOW HELP BRING DOMINGA HOME TOO! Share and enjoy this wonderful video showing how ADI supporters transformed the life of spectacled bear Cholita. Mutilated by the circus, who cut off her fingers and broke her teeth, Cholita lost all of her fur due to stress, and for years there was nowhere for her. In one of our most emotional ever rescues, ADI took Cholita home to the forest, and her rescue opened the door to save two more bears, Lucho and Sabina. NOW CELEBRATE CHOLITA’S 1ST YEAR HOME AND HELP US GIVE THAT LIFE TO ANOTHER NEARLY BALD SPECTACLED BEAR CALLED DOMINGA, CURRENTLY IN AN ANDEAN ZOO. Thank you to everyone who helped get Cholita home, now together, we can give her a new neighbour!

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See Cholita on the big screen, as Lion Ark tours US movie theatres in November, accompanied by a short about the various rescues in Operation Spirit of Freedom – check if there is a screening near you:

Credit: Animal Defenders International

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