Golden Retrievers Rescue Stranded Puppy In Pool

7 years ago

We all love videos that include Golden Retriever pups, since they are a pure joy to watch, but the situation with this one is slightly different. Namely, it's a heroic video that shows the courage and strength of three caring dogs trying to save a stranded pup in the middle of a family pool.

The footage starts with the doggy obviously stuck in the middle of the pool, and can't seem to find his way back to safety. But don't worry, sweetie, your three friends have your back! We felt so sorry looking a this poor pup, scared and afraid that he won't make it to safety. But that was only for a few seconds. Luckily, his three friends organized quite quickly and surrounded him from three different sides to help him reach the "shore"! Two of them immediately jump in the pool, and one of them is even wearing a life-guard equipment! A true pro, no doubt about that! The third pooch is patiently waiting for the pup to take a leap to safety. The entire action only took a few seconds, so our heroes here did a good job, just like true professionals! Keep up the good work, boys! You did an amazing job!

This adorable breed is widely knows as being extremely kind, loyal, and friendly. Golden Retrievers also love children and make great companions to both kids and the elderly. Regarding their rescuing abilities, this short footage is yet another example of their readiness to help in any given situation. You can't help but love them!

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