Victorious Grace to win the war within

1 year ago

How we can get victory over sin and grow our faith?

We are all under attack, and sometimes it can feel like we’re losing – we feel unworthy of salvation. Yet we can find in Christ an all-sufficient Saviour. A sufficient grace. We can know victory.

Paul tells of his struggle with sin. He tells how he wants to do right but he ends up doing wrong. We all face a daily struggle.

Salvation is by faith though God's grace. We can know the power of His grace that saves us, and He continues His gracious work, in our walk. He enables us to live the life, by His power within us, day by day.

We can know His help and strength in our daily walk. By the renewing of our mind we can know victory over sin, as our mind is renewed after God's way of thinking. The Lord wants to fill our minds with truth. Galatians 5:16, Walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. He empowers us to resist temptation, and to live a life that glorifies God. We can be filled with the Spirit. When we feel weak and struggle, we can rely on God's strength, made perfect in our weakness.

As we humble ourselves we can know and receive His grace. He will effect that that walk that is pleasing to Him. We can know His help to overcome, to resist temptation and find a way to escape. We can learn to discern the enemy’s schemes, and avoid temptation. When Joseph was tempted by Potiphar's wife he fled; he ran for his life. God provides a way to escape. There's practical things we can do to set boundaries, to limit exposure to harmful media, to be careful about whose friendships we’re going to cultivate. Choose godly friendships.

We can find strength for this battle. Learn to store His Word in your heart; Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee.

Fellowship also helps – as we get around other people who love the Lord. We can encourage and be supportive. We can find an accountability – to share our challenges and ask for others to pray for us. The church can be a support network, a community, as we build discipleship relationships.
To grow stronger we can cultivate the Fruit of the Spirit. These are the characteristics of the Spirit-filled life. This fruit will come out of the life that is in His will - as we abide in Christ, as His Spirit works in us. He will help us overcome sinful behaviours.

We can know God's strength also by prayer. We can know a communion with our Lord. We can seek His guidance and find His strength to overcome temptation. In communion with our Lord we can deepen that relationship with Him.

Praise helps us face that battle against sin. When Israel went out to war they sent Judah ahead of the army to sing praises. Praise brought a victory, as they trusted God. We can focus our own hearts on glorifying God, as we align our desires with His will. We can aim to do all things to the glory of God.

To find victory we can let go of unforgiveness and bitterness. We can know God's grace is sufficient to flow out of our lives to others. Forgiveness can be a great source of strength.

Your salvation is NOT dependent on your sin - it's dependent on His grace. We can know a growth. We can learn from our failures and keep growing in grace. If we stumble at times it doesn't mean we are not His. Our failures can be opportunities to experience God's grace, and trust Him more to help us stand. We can refresh our faith.

Christ is an all-sufficient Saviour. God's grace is sufficient. As we discern His leading and guiding, we can yield to His promptings, to make decisions that honour Him, as we seek to lean more upon Him and trust Him, we can glorify God with our life.

We can grow in grace. We can find God's peace - His strength and enabling. We can find abundant grace. His all-sufficient, saving grace. He says, My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness.

As a born again believer, you've got a new identity. You are no longer defined by your old sins. We are defined by the righteousness of Christ. He will help you break free from sinful habits. The Lord says, Guard your heart… keep the heart, with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.

We have an advocate an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. Let us persevere in this gospel race. Let’s keep that eternal perspective. Hebrews 12:2 …Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith… He is your strength – the battle is the Lord's. He has already won the battle. He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
Trust in God's faithfulness - entrust yourself to His care. This is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith.

You can know victory in your daily walk, as you follow Christ, as you depend on His grace. Know that God's grace is greater than all your sin. We can feel unworthy of Salvation. We have victory - and it's by faith. God's transforming work is the work of grace. By His grace we can know a daily, victorious Christian Life.

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