22. "Whatever May Happen – It's All For The Best"

1 year ago

"Whatever may happen – it's all for the best"...
You’ve heard this expression, of course;
But tell this to someone who, being in quest,
Fell into a trap, and got worse.

Aggression, pollutions around the world,
Diseases, disasters, duress,
Lies, dearth, GM foods, turning into a dolt,
Corruption… is it for the best?

Fertility isn't brought forth of the weed
And evil does not giveth good;
The bad seeds beget the bad harvest indeed,
But sophisms* are turpitude.

The personal charge to the world where you live,
Enlightenment, rectitude and
Your concrete good deeds with good will and belief
Create the best, wholesome and grand!

* A mind-bended eloquence to justify the absurdity (Greek, sóphisma – trick, gimmick).

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