Deliverpoo Part1

1 year ago

For at least 8 years a man on my road has been letting his 3 big dogs shit all along the road outside peoples homes and leaving it there.
The local council has been informed about this by multiple residents over the years and have done nothing.
I have tried phoning the council about this. It takes about 30 minutes for them to answer. I get through to a complete incompetent idiot who takes 10 minutes to type the name of a road. Then relied on me to find out the full postcode of where the offender lives.
Then I went on their website to report it. I made several reports about it online only to get the quoted reply "not the council's responsibility".
So after being so frustrated at all this I decided I had to go about this in a different way.
So I picked up a lump of shit this person left from outside my home and delivered it to the council.
I might do this with every pile of shit left out side my home until they understand and do something useful. But I would have to be a bit more sneaky than this time.

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