It is easy for those who work for the CCP leadership to disappear as they know too many secrets

1 year ago

7/24/2023 【Aila on The @WayneDupreeShow】Aila Wang: It is easy for those who work for the top echelons of the CCP to disappear because they know too many of the CCP's secrets. With the disappearance of Qin Gang, the current spokespersons of the CCP's Ministry of Foreign Affairs should understand that as long as they remain within the CCP's system, they themselves could also become the next Qin Gang!
#QinGang #NFSC #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
7/24/2023 【小飞象做客韦恩·杜普里播客节目】小飞象:替中共高层工作的人很容易被消失,因为他们知道太多中共的秘密。面对秦刚的失踪,现任的中共外交部发言人也需要明白,只要在中共的体制内,他们自己也可能会成为下一个秦刚!
#秦刚 #新中国联邦 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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