Xi’s “friend” damaged the CCP's consulate, but Xi cannot even demand an apology from them

1 year ago

7/21/2023 The CCP's Consulate-General in Odessa, Ukraine, was damaged by Russian missiles, yet the CCP's Ministry of Foreign Affairs dares not bring up the matter with Russia. This stands in stark contrast to the CCP's vehement reaction after the US bombed the CCP's Embassy in Yugoslavia during the Kosovo War. So, the question arises: What kind of friends did Xi Jinping make? They damaged the CCP's consulate, but Xi cannot even demand an apology from them—it's baffling!
#Russia #CCP #Odesa #GeneralConsulate #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
7/21/2023 中共驻乌克兰敖德萨总领事馆遭俄军袭击受损,而中共外交部却不敢向俄罗斯提出交涉。这与当年美国轰炸中共国驻南联盟大使馆后中共对美国血口喷人的反应形成了鲜明对比。那么问题来了,这习死皇交的是什么朋友?他们损毁了中共的领馆,却不能让他们道歉,你说说!
#俄罗斯 #中共 #敖德萨 #大使馆 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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