45+ | Agenda 47

11 months ago

Trump Statement Agenda 47 - Reshoring Production of Essential Medicines

“Under crooked Joe Biden, there has been a catastrophic increase in shortages of essential medicines.

There is currently a shortage of 14 critical cancer drugs in the United States; they just can’t get it.

It’s unthinkable that this could be happening in the United States of America in 2023..; we are becoming a third world country…>

But even more dangerously, the top producer of critical medicines that’s e rely on in the United States is a place called China!

China produces 95% ibuprofen, 91% of Hydrocortisone, 70% of all Tylenol, & nearly half of all penicillin, can you imagine that.

This is not just a public health crisis, this is a National Security Crisis!”

Part of My Plan to Obtain Total Independence from China:

• We will phase in tariffs & import restrictions to bring back production of all essential medicines to the United States, where they belong

“I signed an executive order to begin this process in 2020, but Biden has shamefully failed to follow through. He wants it ended, he wants to take care of China.

This is a matter of tremendous urgency. American lives are on the line & it will be one of my top priorities as president.

It will also create countless new American jobs.”

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