Raccoon Feasts On Grapes Making Munching Sounds

7 years ago

Ever seen a raccoon at a dinner table, feasting on grapes and absolutely enjoying it? We have never seen a raccoon this happy about his grapes! It was happy hour and raccoon decided to have a full plate of grapes. This raccoon called Mitya really loves his grapes and it is very satisfying to watch. Watch as she munches on the grapes, helping herself with her tiny hands. So adorable!

Russian YouTuber Gregz Animationz uploaded this satisfying-to-watch video on June 29, 2016 in Saint Petersburg, Russia featuring his pet raccoon eating grapes. During the summer, the pet raccoon, Mitya, devouring fresh green grapes while sitting at the dinner table and this video soon went viral and has been seen more than 500,000 times.

This little raccoon has charmed the web with her dinner routine after the cute video went viral, showing her chomping on grapes at the dinner table using her little human-like hands to scoop them up. Only by seeing her eat grapes, we got the appetite for some fruit. Mitya is eating with delight and produces the most adorable munching sounds as she is enjoying her tasty fruits!

When food is plentiful, raccoons can develop strong individual preferences for specific foods. Fruit is important for raccoons. They consume plenty of apples, blackberries and cherries when these are available. Apparently, grapes should be added to this list of favorite raccoon food!

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