On the 7th Day There was #JohnLennox

11 months ago

On the 7th Day, there was John Lennox ... that is, he was a twinkle in Father Adam's eye. Dr. Lennox was actually born in 1943 AD.
John Lennox holds to the Big Bing ... Big Bing.
Speaking of Bing Crosby (d. 1977), in the 1951 classic "Here Comes the Groom," Bing and Jane Wyman, Reagan's first wife, sang the following line ...
"Shore" said the dinosaur. ♪
They were headed to a big picnic of the non-cannibal variety.
The Dino-Media may pretend that T-Rex and human coexistence is a pile of blarney. However, a study from a couple years back found that nearly half of Americans think that some types of dinosaurs might still exist in some remote area. Have you personally traveled to Outer Mongolia? Have you??
This survey of 2K adults found that four in ten estimated that dinos lived with humans around 2K to 10K years ago:

Well, Dr. Lennox, I'd rather go with #DinoPower !
Consider this straight dope from Johnny Cash - the Man in Black ...

Dinosaurs lived a long time ago
They were terrible lizards, don't you know?
Some ate plants and some ate meat
Some ate fish and some ate beasts
One was called Diplodocus
One was bigger than your school bus
One was called a Triceratops
Three horns to stop anything that hops
-- Johnny Cash (d. 2003)

Not MOYA, Millions Of Years Ago.
He points out that some mega-reptiles ate plants, this answers the problem of pre-Fall dinos & their diet (Gen. 1:29-31).

At a formal college dinner during his early days at Cambridge, Lennox was sitting next to a scientist who was a Nobel Laureate. He asked the Nobel winner, "Did it ever occur to you that there was a Creative Mind behind the Universe?" After the meal, Lennox met with the Prof. There were two or three other academics in the group. Lennox was directed to sit down while the others stood. The following conversation ensued:
Prof: Do you want a career in Science?
Lennox: I do, yes. I'd like to be a Mathematician.
Prof: If you want to make it, give up your naive faith in God in front of witnesses right now. Because if you don't, you will never make it.
Lennox: What do you have to offer me that's better than what I've already got?
Lennox commented on this affair: "That was real pressure."
Drowned Planet & the Age-of-Earth Controversy (@ 9:00 mark):

For more on Lennox, see our longer presentation on Patreon ...
John Lennox and the Seven Days of #TrueTruth:

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