Oh SH*T! Here comes the COVID Tripledemic just in time for Winter | Redacted with Clayton Morris

10 months ago

Oh SH*T! Here comes the COVID Tripledemic just in time for Winter | Redacted with Clayton Morris


Jul 24, 2023 #redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris
Do not get comfortable that we’re out of the pandemic because we have a new variant and a new tripledemic coming of Covid, flu and RSV. And what does NBC in their benevolence and totally non-conflicted advice suggest? Vaccine up of course! Because lucky us, there is a vaccine now for each one of those things! Only, the two RSV vaccines on the market have some pretty terrible clinical trials to show for them. The flu vaccine was formulated in March based on "the influenza vaccine production method," meaning what vaccine makers thought they could make, but had no clinical trials. The Covid vaccine, well, that we've covered extensively. Given the low death rate for these three things, why such a big vaccine push?

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