Open Eyes 112 - "The Buffet Of Truth; For or Foe."

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“Then you will know the truth (the whole truth), and the truth shall set you free.” - John 8:32

In this episode of Open Eyes, Dr. Robyn and her team of researchers, Dark II Light, and special guests delve into the truth that the mainstream media tries to hide. The truth is finally being brought to light, as July is the month of revealed infiltration. The enemy has jumped on the bandwagon and doesn’t mind if a little truth is revealed. His tactic is to make one part of the truth the be-all and end-all, so we don’t look for the whole picture. We must remember that each story and headline exposed elevates our fight to the next level. The Holy Spirit reveals a buffet of truth, and like a domino effect, now is the time that evil is collapsing. In her final words, which you don’t want to miss, Dr. Robyn emphasizes that we must know the truth to be set free, not just what we want to hear. The Holy Spirit will reveal all the truth, and only then can all the evil collapse and die — otherwise, its root still has another chance to reproduce. Only when all the truth is put on your plate can all of the evil collapse — otherwise, the job is half-done. It's time for us as the Church to stop choosing what to believe or not believe and playing out our lukewarm for or foe hypocrisy. July is the month of all the truth being revealed — every little last bit. Without that, our world can’t be set free, and we will never have divine recovery. If God blesses you with a buffet, it’s essential to avoid being stingy or picky. Otherwise, you may end up with less than what you started with.

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