Are you a Salmon or just a fish floating downstream? Will you need a license to use the Internet?

11 months ago

When you walk in truth and light you see things and you understand things that those who are BLIND can't see or predict. Then when it happens everyone asks, "How did we get here?"

In this video I make the bold prediction that the INTERNET is about to have a gate keeper and unless you comply with their guidelines and make application and become qualified as a consumer of information....well you will just be shut out. That is right the INTERNET is about to require a special LICENSE. You and I will be forced to pass a background check and if we don't fit the narrative or if we step outside of the coloring box we will lose our license. We will be put on a world wide banned list. It's coming whether you believe it or not. Bet that up.

Links for this video

Bill That Would Push For Online ID Checks Is Scheduled For Markup This Week July 24, 2023

Top Democrat on Weaponization Subcommittee Argues Democrats Should Be Allowed to Define Truth in America

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