"Recognizing Jesus in New Things, Part 2" - David W Palmer (2023)

10 months ago

"Recognizing Jesus in New Things, Part 2" - David W Palmer (2023)

How Do You Know if it’s a Genuine Move of God?
1. Look for supernatural support
2. Look and listen for supernatural fruit and the poor receiving the gospel
3. Look for the element of resurrection in suffering
4. Watch for zeal for God’s house
5. Watch for heart-burning revelation from scripture
6. Develop intimate relationship with Him
7. Be familiar with His footprints and fingerprints
8. Receive the new birth
9. Desire to do God’s will

Jesus, Lord, Father, God, Holy Spirit, salvation, born again, sinners prayer, supernatural, support, healing, miracles, fruit, resurrection, revival, awakening, outpouring, glorious church, ingathering, harvest,

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