(2) The Origin of Life

11 months ago

Chapter 2: The Origin of Life

The following is not intended to be a logistical reference, but rather it is intended to be a general conceptual overview to give some perspective on the genetic code programs that are read and executed by the self-replicating computerized factory of living cells.

The genetic code is expressed in Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) as a double-stranded polynucleotide molecule created from sequences of four possible nucleotides, which are Guanine (G), Adenine (A), Thymine (T), and Cytosine(C). The genetic code can also be translated into Ribonucleic acid (RNA) as a single-stranded polynucleotide molecule created from sequences of four possible nucleotides Cytosine(C), Uracil (U), Adenine (A), and Guanine (G) respectively. The sequence of nucleotides represents the genetic code that acts as instruction for the living cell to assemble amino acids in a particular sequence to form a protein. A living cell is able to manufacture many different proteins that are vital for the specific function of the living cell, maintenance of the living cell, and division into more living cells, and growth of the living cell. Most proteins only exist for a certain period of time before they degrade and are recycled by the machinery of the living cell, which acts like a self-replicating computerized factory. There are 20 amino acids, which are each using a chain of 3 nucleotides. A chain of 3 nucleotides each with 4 possibilities C, U, A, or G yields 64 combinations. Many of the 20 amino acids are coded by more than one combination. Alanine (Ala) is coded by “GCU”, “GCC”, “GCA”, or “GCG”. Cysteine (Cys) is coded by “UGU” or “UGC”. Aspatate (Asp) is coded by “GAU” or “GAC”. Glutamate (Glu) is coded by “GAA” or “GAG”. Phenylalanine (Phe) is coded by “UUU” or “UUC”. Glycine (Gly) is coded by “GGU”, “GGC”, “GGA” or “GGG”. Histidine (His) is coded by “CAU” or “CAC”. Isoleucine (Ile) is coded by “AUU”, “AUC”, or “AUA”. Lysine (Lys) is coded by “AAA” or “AAG”. Leucine (Leu) is coded by “UUA”, “UUG”, “CUU”, “CUC”, “CUA”, or “CUG”. Methionine (Met) is coded by “AUG”. Asparagine (Asn) is coded by “AAU” or “AAC”. Proline (Pro) is coded by “CUU”, “CCC”, “CCA”, or “CGG”. Glutamine (Gln) is coded by “CAA” or “CAG”. Arginine (Arg) is coded by “CGU”, “CGC”, “CGA”, “CGG”, “AGA”, or “AGG”. Serine (Ser) is coded by “UCU”, “UCC”, “UCA”, “UCG”, “AGU”, or “AGC”. Threonine (Thr) is coded by “ACU”, “ACC”, “ACA”, or “ACG”. Valine (Val) is coded by “GUU”, “GUC”, “GUA”, or “GUG”. Tryptophan (Trp) is coded by “UGG”. Tryosine (Tyr) is coded by “UAU” or “UAC”.

Some of the combinations are used specifically just to stop the sequence. The instruction to stop adding amino acids onto the protein is coded by “UAA”, “UAG”, or “UGA”. The instruction of a start location where to begin adding amino acids into a protein is coded by the same code for same code for Methionine (MET), which is “AUG”. Not all proteins will have a Methionine (MET) at the beginning because they are often modified afterward in the living cell by other enzymes such as a protein cutting protease.

The genetic code can be thought of as like a computer program and the living cell can be thought of as like a self-replicating computerized factory that reads and executes the instructions of the genetic code computer program. The computerized factory of the living cell is extremely complex and beyond our human ability to create ourselves. However, humans do have the ability to hack the computer program of the genetic code in order to reprogram the computerized factory of the living cell. When we hack and reprogram the computerized factory of living cell, the new instructions of our computer program are then read and executed by the self-replicating computerized factory of the living cell. Humans are not able to assemble non-living matter into a living cell. Humans are only able to hack and reprogram an already living cell, which then self-replicates with the new instructions.

The self-replicating factory of living cell metabolizes non-living matter and uses it to eventually divide into two living cells. A living cell metabolizes non-living material, but non-living material cannot naturally be assembled without the aid of an already living cell. Many chemical reactions are impossible without the use of an enzyme. The creation of a new living cell is impossible without the use of an already living cell. Humans are unable to assemble nonliving matter into a living cell because living cells are extremely complex systems.

Humans are able to flip the biological switches of a living cell, but humans are unable to create the biological circuitry of a living cell; humans are reliant on the biological circuitry of the living cell to self-replicate itself. Humans are intelligent enough to hack and reprogram an already living cell. Humans are not intelligent enough to reverse engineer the extremely complex systems of a living cell. Humans are not intelligent enough to design the complex systems of a living cell. Humans are not intelligent enough to assemble nonliving molecules into a living cell.

Living cells were systematically created by a person intelligent enough to design the extremely complex systems of a living cell. Living cells were created by a person intelligent enough to assemble nonliving molecules into a living cell. Living cells were designed by a person more intelligent than humans. Living cells were assembled from nonliving molecules by a person more intelligent than humans. It is a scientific fact that living cells were created by an extremely intelligent person. We can choose to accept the scientific fact that this extremely intelligent person exists or we can choose to fabricate myths and stories about “abiogenesis”.

The people who refuse to accept the scientific fact that living cells were created by an extremely intelligent person will fabricate myths and stories about nonliving molecules naturally assembling themselves into complex systems of a living cell. The people who fabricate myths and stories about “abiogenesis” do not use evidence but rather they hide their ignorance by sweeping the facts under the rug using infinity. If there were an infinite amount of attempts to make an extremely complex system, then eventually an extremely complex system would be made that was more complex than any human could ever create.

The people who fabricate myths and stories about “abiogenesis” will also fabricate myths and stories about the visible universe being infinite to justify it. The people who try to justify “abiogenesis” using an infinite universe are either complacently ignorant or wickedly choosing to suppress the truth. It is a scientific fact that the visible universe is not infinite.

Our universe does not have an infinite number of atoms. We can use telescopes to see all the way to edge of the visible universe, which is a wall of background radiation purported to be release from the big bang. You can calculate the density of matter in a region of space and then multiply that density by the volume of the visible universe. You can then take that amount and divide by the mass of a hydrogen atom to get an upper limit for the number of atoms in the universe, which comes out to less than 10^90. The closest star-system to our sun is the Alpha Centauri star system which is about 4.3 light years away. This means that the light reaching Earth from Alpha Centauri was actually released 4.3 years ago. Our galaxy is about 100,000 light years across. The further away you look in astronomy, the further back in time you are looking, so we can see a history of the universe.

The age of the universe is less than 14 billion years, which is less than 10^30 nanoseconds. The number of atoms in the visible universe is less than 10^90. The age of the universe in nanoseconds multiplied by the number of atoms in the universe is less than 10^120, which is less than 16^120, which is only 2^480. Therefore, the age of the universe in nanoseconds multiplied by the number of atoms in the universe is less than 2^480.

The simplest living cell has genetic code over 100,000 nucleotides long. Imagine a digital password that has a length of 100,000 made of 0s and 1s. The number of combinations would be 2^100,000, which is immeasurably more than the age of the universe in nanoseconds multiplied by the number of atoms in the universe. Even if you had the entire universe at your disposal and all the time in the universe, you could never randomly crack that password.

Humans have already cracked that password because we are intelligent and it has already been shown to us. Humans can write a program from scratch for the genetic code of a new bacterium. Humans can then hack and reprogram the self-replicating computerized factory of an already living cell with the instructions for that bacterium. The already living cell will then continue to self-replicate using the programed instructions for that new bacterium.

The universe is not even large enough to randomly write the most basic genetic code program for a new bacterium, which humans can already do. In order to create the first living cell, you not only need to create the genetic code program, but you would also need to create the self-replicating computerized factory of the living cell. Humans are unable to create the self-replicating computerized factory of the living cell. Humans can only reprogram an already living cell and let it self-replicate. Living cells were systematically created by a person intelligent enough to design the extremely complex systems of the self-replicating computerized factory of the living cell. It is a scientific fact that living cells were created by an extremely intelligent person. The people who try to justify “abiogenesis” using an infinite universe are either complacently ignorant or wickedly choosing to suppress the truth.

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