Why All the Red Herring Fallacies?

1 year ago

In this podcast I discuss a portion of the Book "Charting the End Times" by Tim LaHaye and Thomas Ice. In their chapter proving a PreTribulation Rapture they commit major logical fallacies and prove absolutely nothing. What is sad is many pastors are using these exact same arguments. We aren't always going to agree, but we should at least be honest in our arguments. These men definitely know better than to use arguments this weak, but they used them anyway. I can only assume it is because they know deep down they are wrong or at least their position is really weak.

This a podcast dedicated to the subject of Bible Prophecy. This is a podcast made by Pastor Tommy McMurtry of the Liberty Baptist Church in Rock Falls, IL. Pastor Tommy loves the subject of prophecy and loves having public discussions with others on this subject whether they agree with him or not. Without a doubt you will learn more about the Bible and the subject of prophecy from listening to this podcast. For more information about Pastor Tommy and the Liberty Baptist Church go to www.givemelibertybaptist.com
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