Life Coaching 101 - It's Not What You're Doing, It's How You're Doing It

1 year ago

It's Not What You're Doing, It's How You're Doing It

If you've been following my videos for the last few days you know that they're all about the fact that we are able to do whatever we want to in this lifetime with very little standing in our way.

Yesterday I started talking about the four stages to getting something done. The third stage is the doing stage which is actually where the "getting done" happens.

However, what's important is not so much what we're doing but how we're doing it. This is the stage where we have a lot of setbacks, oppositions, roadblocks, failures, and anything else that can possibly stand in our way.

So it can be said, that this is a stage of character building. How you handle these setbacks and these failures determines how able you are to pursue and persevere what it is that you are meant to do.

So, whatever you do, don't let these setbacks stop you. You must rise to the occasion and carry on. You got this!

When we are in the process of doing something or making some sort of change,

Next comes to third stage which we will talk about extensively in tomorrow's video.

Stick with me while I discuss this and other interesting topics. 

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And always, if you or someone you know could benefit from the support of a certified life coach, then please feel free to reach out to me, and let's chat! 🤝

Please tag anyone you think could benefit from this post. 👋

Sometimes all we need is a little perspective. 🌧️ 🌈 🌞

Discover you're (you ARE) true potential @elevatedmovescoaching

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#notwhatbuthow #justdoit #journeynotthedestination #getbackup

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