Healing sucks! What's the point?

11 months ago

It's easy to get bogged down in the heavy, dark side of mental health. If that's all we focus on, what are we going to create? Life is all about balance right?

I need to create relatable content for the people who are already living life to the fullest in our communities. That's what we want EVERYONE to experience. I have relatable content for the people who are struggling, but if I connect to the change makers, they can actually help me get these messages where they're needed most.

We're about to do our first three day cultural camping trip for kids. I'm trying to squeeze a lot in before my first child is born. I've ordered some new tech that will make new kinds of content easier to create. If I want to continue making films, I need to streamline the process so it isn't so time consuming.

I want people laughing and having fun with the new content, and I want to have fun making it. I think that will bring me back to balance because I've been so serious for so long. I've been working on this for a while. I always wanted to create fun content, but to be honest, in the past I was too insecure.

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