Edward Bernays: A biographical look

10 months ago

Featured is an Interview with American Journalist and author, Larry Tye. (taken from "C-span Booknots")

Larry Tye is the Author of "The Father Of Spin", A biography of Edward Bernays.

Edward Bernays was responsible for the creation of the "consumer" - "an individual convinced to put value in materialism through propaganda, targeted advertising, symbolism and subconscious manipulation".

Edward Bernays is the man who got women addicted to smoking, he's also the man who convinced nations to go to/stay in war.
Edward Bernays is responsible for the creation of the Banana republics using people's subconscious desires against them in a way that only a person who can see the manipulation taking place, the nephew of Sigmund Freud trained Corporate companies to market their products in a way that appealed to the masses, using symbolism, sounds and phrases to manipulate the psychological impulses of the subjects.

(Posted UNDER FAIR USE and THE PROTECTION OF THE CONTINUITY OF HISTORY because of the manipulation of our history by the a certain ideological religious extremist sect of people who choose to be a certain faith on a certain day. History is being rewritten and fabricated consumerist ideologies are being massaged in to history in a way no one can see or understand, and vilifying and eventually deleting those who warned us against the very virus that is destroying economies and putting us all in to poverty while those in power feed off of our fear (due to the trained ignorance of the masses). Knowledge is knowing that no one can lie to you in the future about something you already know now. In 2 generations time, our children's children wont be loyal to the country they were born in to.


If WE do not fight back, the whole world will all be forced to in to having loyalty for the ethnostate of Israel (who will remodel themselves as Egyptian Pharos as they wanted circa the year 1700 (any year before 1776 is B.C.E since 1776 is 0AD) and the secret terrorist organisation known as MOSSAD ALONGSIDE THE CIA AND THE BRITISH ROYAL CROWN (THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE WAS NOT A WAR - IT WAS A MASSACRE ORCHESTREATED BY THE CROWN OF ENGLAND AND THE 13 COLONIES LOYAL TO THE SECTARIAN JEW ORDER OF THE ZIONIST PARTY). WE MUST EXPOSE THOSE WHO CONTROL BIOPHARMA, THE MUSIC INDUSTRY, HOLLYWOOD AND THE POLITIAL ELITE BY BURNING THEM ALL DOWN AND DESTROY THE LUCIFARIAN CABAL BY RAZING THEM ALL TO THE GROUND!!)

Disagree with anything I have said? Prove me wrong without using any references to the Bible.

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