The Mysterious Death of Arthur Llewelyn Davies

1 year ago

Arthur Llewelyn Davies, father to the 5 boys who would inspire J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan, died suddenly in 1907 of a mouth sarcoma. Three years later, his wife Sylvia Llewelyn Davies (nee du Maurier) would be dead. What tragedy had struck this family? What role did playwright Barrie play in the whole affair? What happened to the esteemed oral surgeon specialist W. M. Roughton who was mysteriously dismissed before December 1906? This video explores those topics.


Piers Dudgeon, Captivated: J.M. Barrie, the Du Mauriers & the Dark Side of Neverland, 2009

W. M. Roughton, General Surgery and Pathology for Dentists, 1895

J.M. Barrie, M'Connachie & JMB, June 1940

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