Preserving Christian Values in Modern America with E.W. Jackson

10 months ago

Imagine rising from a life steeped in poverty and gang culture to become a successful lawyer, a bishop, and now vying for a presidential seat. That's the compelling journey of our guest, Bishop EW Jackson. His mission? To restore faith in God and respect for truth in our nation. We explore his beliefs on the sanctity of life from the moment of conception, and his proposal for a constitutional amendment reflecting this.

This episode is a roller coaster ride of faith, politics, and traditional values. We address controversial topics such as abortion, the 'separation of church and state' argument, and the marginalization of Christianity in contemporary society. Hear the Bishop’s perspective on how America, a nation founded on Christian principles, should unashamedly uphold her faith and values. If understanding the intersection of religion and politics intrigues you, Bishop Jackson's story is one you wouldn't want to miss.

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