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The MGM Brothel

1 year ago

Film studio MGM had a brothel on their lot in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. This brothel, managed at a distance by Louis B. Mayer (1884-1957) and his "fixer" Eddie Mannix (1891-1963), involved celebrity lookalike women. The brothel included a madam, down and out actress Billie Bennett (1874-1951). In autobiographical writings by MGM director Garson Kanin, who passed away in 1999, details of the brothel were revealed.



E. J. Fleming, The Fixers (2004)

Romans 2:17-29

#mgm #mgmbrothel #oldhollywood #oldhollywoodmystery #oldhollywoodmysteries #goldenhollywood #louisbmayer #billiebennett #garsonkanin #eddiemannix #thefixers #mgmfixer


  • 0/2000
  • There could be some of the ancient "plunder the shiksa goddess" idea behind Mayer's side business, kinda like the '90s show The Nanny talks about a few times, where she was always trying to set up Jewish boys so they could get the shiksa daughter's trust fund. Supposedly comedy but with a sharp edge of truth But it's just as likely that they just provided the ladies that were attractive to the clientele i.e. ladies that they actually wanted. Gable for example famously disliked Garbo and flatly refused ever to work with or even be around Hepburn. Cary Grant was basically forced to work across from her, except for Philadelphia Story, a film which Hepburn paid for and which he did purely and only for the $100,000 up front plus 10% of the gross, and he, too, flatly refused to work with her ever again (for 25 years). It's truly difficult to picture any man actually desiring Hepburn - certainly I've never met anyone who found her appealing. Whereas Joan Crawford, Ginger Rogers, Jean Harlow, Myrna Loy were HOT AF

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