7/28/23 The Only Question That Matters "The Main Event" part 5 S1E17Rp5

10 months ago

“The Only Question That Matters”
All the knowledge in the world about Christ’s return won’t make a bit of difference if you’re not ready to meet Him when He comes, so in this re-broadcast of Season One’s finale show, we ask the only question that really matters, in a few different ways: have you surrendered to Jesus Christ? Have you accepted the death of your Savior as substitute for your own? Are you in a saving relationship with the Lord? That one decision is the only one that will overcome the grave, so nothing else in life is as important as that one choice. What’s your choice today, friends? Eternity with your loving Savior? Or eternal death without Him? I know the choice He wants you to make, for sure. Let’s make it together.

"The Main Event" Part 5: 7/28/23
We’re in the final stretch of our Great Relocation! This week, we review our Season One finale episode about the return of Jesus Christ!

Season 1 Episode 17R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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