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The White Slaves of New Orleans

1 year ago

In 1864, the Union Army's Colonel Hanks and Philip Bacon began fundraising for their freedmen's schools of New Orleans. Using Harper's Weekly, these two soldiers from the 12th Connecticut Infantry showcased three white children from New Orleans in a nationwide tour. While there is no record of where slave children Rebecca Huger, Charley Taylor and Rosina Downs ended up, some scholars believe these children may have changed their names or worked on Bacon's Louisiana plantations.


Philip Bacon Papers, James S. Schoff Civil War Collection, University of Michigan, https://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/clementsead/umich-wcl-M-4717bac?view=text

George H. Hanks, Wikiwand, https://www.wikiwand.com/en/George_H._Hanks

"The story of Isaac and Rosa, the emancipated slave children from New Orleans, 1863", Rare Historical Photos, https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/story-of-isaac-and-rosa-emancipated-slave-children/

"10 black slaveowners", History Collection, https://historycollection.com/10-black-slaveowners-that-will-tear-apart-historical-perception/8/

Jewish Concepts: Slavery, AICE, https://archive.ph/DhvV5