Ukrainian Bradley explodes after direct artillery hit at Orekhovsky

11 months ago

On Telegram, the following statement accompanied the video:
""Bradleys" tried to get to the first line of our defense, but were doomed to become scrap metal - footage of the destruction of another batch of Ukrainian suicides in the Orekhovsky direction

On the new footage obtained by Readovk, you can see the brilliant work of our gunners in the Orekhovsky direction. So, the Armed Forces once again pushed to the first line of our fortifications, but they were quickly destroyed thanks to accurate hits from the Russian army.

Western "Bradleys" are burning successfully, but the owners are unhappy with the suicides from the Ukrainian army - analysts are already throwing the blame on Kyiv, which is successfully destroying its own population. So over the past day, an attack was again repelled in the Zaporizhia direction, according to Readovka sources. However, the Armed Forces of Ukraine make attempts to storm this sector of the front almost every day.

During the day, the Russian army repelled offensive attempts in four directions - Russian Defense Ministry

According to the department, the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to advance in the Donetsk, Krasno-Limansky, South-Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions. In particular, on the latter, the enemy tried to advance ( in the Rabotino area, which has already become a mass grave for more than a dozen "advancing" Armed Forces of Ukraine."

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