(shocking) ANDREW TATE steals a car

1 year ago

People often ask me if I follow "The Secret."

Yes. I believe self-belief is of the utmost importance.

But the vast majority of those who talk about the Law Of Attraction are broke lazy GEEKS.

They sit and wish.

But don’t do shit.

Inaction is always ineffective.

Wishing and hoping the universe does you a favor is the coward’s prerogative.

If I need rain to fall from the sky. I’ll get up and do a rain dance.

Regardless of how unlikely the effects are.

ANYTHING is better than sitting and hoping.

Most of you are sitting and wishing for your life to change.

There are dances you can do which are far more effective than a rain dance.

I don’t know what you’re waiting for.

Show me a man struggling in action. And I will assist absolutely.

Show me a man who’s struggling with excuses and I will leave him to drown.

Problems losing weight? Message me from inside the gym. Not from the couch.

Walk the fucking talk.

Belief is one thing, but it ain’t shit without being congruent to your words.

Everyone talks.

Very few back it up.

This is why they remain weak and broke.

When I was 20, my brother said to me: "Andrew, you’ve become a sayer!"

What did he mean by this?

When I SAID I’d do something…


"200 push-ups today!"

I said it, they had to get done.


I said it, it had to get done.

Once you master this?

You don’t just have an UNLIMITED source of information.

But you can also enforce your will onto reality effortlessly.

There is nothing I cannot do.

Once I say it, it is real.

And you can be like this too.

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