'More Sandy Hook News-Chopper Anomalies! Crystal Clear HD Zooms Shows Weird Stuff!' - 2013

1 year ago

Published on Jan 26, 2013

"~TYT & Anderson Cooper vs 'Sandy Hook Truthers': http://whynotnews.eu/?p=2122 ~Unslave Humanity Tactical Media: http://whynotnews.eu/?p=2143

~reupload from: Pat Jack

@At 00:20 into the video clip, shadow direction analysis indicates that a Time of Day of 10 : 25am might be the starting point of this video clip. I am uploading the Time of Day analysis based on shadow direction analysis at this time, 12:06am, (midnight) ... please check my most recent upload for the Time of Day analysis. I need your assistance and critical observations of the work I have done, please.

Is GENE ROSEN ... at the firehouse this early? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IlxUN...

We think we see Gene Rosen in this video clip, did he leave those poor kids at his house while he went to hobnob at the Firehouse? Or perhaps he was just earning his pay.

Sandy Hook Helicopter, Chopper Footage - Crystal Clear - HD and Zooms see anybody you know?

@0:15 it's about 11 : 15am EST.

@0:4:59 we see the policeman with the dog, his shadow passes perfectly, crisply over the "Parent Drop Off" parking lot lettering. The angle of the camera is off only be a few degrees to the direction of his shadow, not that it would matter in the type of analysis I'm doing.

The direction of the K9 officer's shadow can be plotted in google Earth with a line segment and a Time of Day can be made that is accurate to within 5 minutes.

@05:13 the utility pole shadow. Extending the line on this shadow in Photoshop on a screen grab of this frame, and then transferring that to google Earth, and making an analysis of the direction of that shadow will yield a Time of Day accurate to within ONE MINUTE.

@09:09 there are the WHITE CHAIRS, that some were saying were corpses on the Medical Tarps, notice, there is a large person, and lady, rocking forwards and backwards in the front row middle chair.


To really drive the validity of this type of "Time of Day" shadow direction and length analysis home, take a good shadow as early as possible in the beginning of this unedited, seamless video clip, analyze it, then take a shadow in the last part of the clip, analyze it, the results will be very concurrent with the timestamps on the video. If it is a seamless, unedited, continuous live footage clip.

This is some News Chopper footage by "News Chopper 12" I scrounged up. Please watch it closely, I don't see many children, AT ALL, just a bunch of adults, a few children at the fire station, lots of close ups. I'll do some Time of Day estimates on this, looks like around 11:15pm EST or later at first glance. We can see those WHITE CHAIRS at the fire station clearly in this video. We can see the cop with the dog, very clearly and he's in a different place, possibly coming onto the scene from the firehouse.

~Unslave Humanity Tactical Media: http://whynotnews.eu/?p=2078

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~infopowerment truthers network~
-new kind of unity against tyranny-


~responsible people think4themselves

If you appreciate the things I find then might I consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain https://vestige.fi/asset/1156612691
Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)

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