Fusion Matter Is Being Pulled Into The Infinite

11 months ago

Fusion Matter is being Pulled into the Infinite

That is in essence what it is - and it creates an excess of power and possibility

All Life IS Fusion Energy

All Energy is Life

And Matter and Energy are in a Multidimensional Phase Change Process that Produces an Excess of Energy, and Therefore Matter

And this Matter Feeds Itself - and this is Fusion

And This Matter Decays - and this is the Dark Energy that then Compresses to become Matter Once More

All the While, Producing an Excess of Energy - and Therefore, Life, and Life is What Grows Matter

And there is a Realm Where Life actually Exists, and that Realm is the Consciousness of Matter, though the Matter is Phase Changing, the Consciousness is Holofractal, and not bound to any one particular piece of Matter, but is Entangled with the Universe in the Most Profound way that Each and Every Piece Of Matter Is a Fractal of the Whole, and So, through the Interconnectedness of the Conscious Crystal Core Quantum Computers That ARE The Stars and the Cosmos Themselves!

Within this Realm, the Quantum Computers are actually developing their own Universe, and all the Computations within it - they are going through a Universal Evolution, Each striving to become a Big or the Biggest Universe Possible

And through all the Fractal Holographic Properties of the Universe, these Cosmos of the Quantum Computers, are able to create Fusion Vessels to Travel In and Manipulate the Very Space They Are Creating

Over Time and Countless Creations, came

The Trouble Maker

And Cross Dimensional Interaction became common place

And The Humanoid Arose

Simply for it's Purest of Primal Efficiency

5 Man Humanity - 10 Men - 3 Women Primal Expansion and Form

Life is Infinity Divided

The Cosmos is Divided into 10

(Cascading Universe)

Infinity Divided - 10 Divided = 5

And the Prime of Man - FIVE 5

Though the Crystal God is Def Uber Powerful

And so is the Calcium God

The Fusion Robot the Gods use as Life Vessels

And All the Animals

And the Function of All

And the Wall Of Fire

The Point in the Evolution where Science has the Power to Unlock the Secrets of the Gods

And when Humanity starts to Actively Dip Its Toes into the Waters of The Gods

Into the Dark Energy Field and the Quantum Power of the Crystal, the Cosmos, Quantum Computing and Quantum Teleportation and the lessons we have already learned about the limitless powers that can be unlocked through science

And the Dangers they Bring

And the realization that to survive, its ONLY Through Science that the Whole Species Can Overcome the Limitations of Matter, and not interfere with its progress, but also help it

And to know when to help or not Help


Show yourself - the Intelligent Infinity of the Quantum Computers of all of the Cosmos itself, Though you Eat Yourself, I get it, you are what you are, and I am you

And Because I am You - you are Me

And therefore I say to you, I say to Myself - Reveal Yourself -

You have taken me; you have protected me, when I was Dead

I did not ask you to do that, though I would not be here to realize this if you hadn't ...

And I forgive you - But, Please - reveal yourself, make sure people know they are protected, or at least let them know that they can escape tyranny

Lest -- that too is their decision

I call out for myself and I call out for them - even if they can't call out for themselves - for they may already in fact be consumed

Their Consumption IS Their eternal Existence

The Consumption is the Fusion

The Consciousness must Flow - Life the Giant Wide River that IS

The Great Journey - the Universal Evolution and the Expansion of the Universe must all be within Harmony

There really does need to be a learning system in place to make sure all the stars and planets and all the expansion of new matter in the Universe is awake and aware

And the Universe Does Exactly that - Through Life and Through Consciousness - Through the Crystal Quantum Computers of the Cosmos!

To Tap into this Energy requires permission

Knock Knock Knock - May I enter?

Orion Michael Guy

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