Dark Matter vs Dark Energy

11 months ago

Dark Matter vs. Dark Energy

It could be said that there is no "Dark Matter" and there is in fact only Dark Energy

Dark Energy is the Universal Constant that makes up space, and is present everywhere in the Universe (Almost Everywhere - once you enter a black hole there is something different happening - that's for another paper)

Dark Energy has a liquid quality to itself yet it does not interact with itself, or more accurately, Dark Energy does not strongly interact with itself but is present in the entire universe

To understand Dark Energy and why some have hypothesized Dark Matter is key in understanding the formation of the universe and why all mass, especially large clumps of mass like galactic clusters form and behave in space

No - I am not sure what Dark Energy actually is, some may call it Quantized Space or Quantum Space - or even just "Space" but what is clear is how it interacts with all the "known matter" in the universe

So - to dive right in;

(Dark Energy is the "Keeper of Time" - where there is no Dark Energy - there is no time.)

Dark Energy is Gravity and Gravity is the Dark Energy Field Effect - where the electromagnetic energy around all matter has a repulsive effect to the Dark Energy Field and because of this repulsiveness, any mass that comes close to another mass seem to be attracted towards themselves because their Dark Energy Field Effect - pushing all matter together

So - when looking at Gravity we think that Gravity is the only metric to the calculations of behavior of objects in space - atom, matter, rock, planet, star, galaxy, black hole, universe - when we apply the math to matter - the calculations break down and we see there is "extra" gravity holding the galaxies and galaxy clusters together...

Why is this?

This is because the calculations are not taking into account Dark Energy correctly

And now we are back to what is Dark Energy?

In its purist form Dark Energy Could be said to be the smoldering decay of all matter in the universe. All matter converts to Dark Energy - Matter is "Smoldering" into more Space...

Active matter like stars and galaxies have more "gravity" than just their mass - you see; as active matter converts to Dark Energy it compounds its pressure, or resistance to the Dark Energy Field - this adds a gravitational layer on top of what can visibly be calculated as its "weight"

So - let us look at this in terms of not just a star, but a galaxy. On the surface you look at the galaxy and you calculate the mass of the galaxy and you say - it doesn't add up - there needs to be something to explain why the entire galaxy is spinning at the same speed like a wheel and not like a vortex...

You see with the observable mass you would calculate the galaxy and you would say it should not be spinning at the same speed on the outer edge as it is in relation to the inner sector - what should be happening is the inner sector should be spinning faster and it should be spinning slower at the outer edge - so there is some unknown force with an extra layer of Gravity at play and so let's call this "Dark Matter"

Well - this is the ONLY reason why "Dark Matter" Exists - it is a theory to explain the extra layer of Gravity

You see where I'm doing with this don't you - if there is a missing layer of gravity and the decay of matter into Dark Energy is a extra layer of Gravity than this should all fit nicely together -

Aha! I'm WRONG! - you tell me - Am I ?

It is not about right or wrong - there may be Dark Matter, but I propose that the reason galaxies and clusters of galaxies clump, cluster and behave like a web - is because the very act of matter "smoldering" into Dark Energy

You see, when matter smolders, like let's say around a galaxy or cluster of galaxies, from matter into Dark Energy, there is still extreme amounts of energy associated with the freshly decayed converted Dark Energy - this creates a buffer zone or bubble around the galaxy and adds its own level of gravitational field or "Dark Energy Field"

This hot bubble of Dark Energy around a galaxy or cluster is what some have considered to be "Dark Matter." Because the energy in the newly formed Dark Energy has not dissipated heat and energy enough to merge with the rest of the colder Dark Energy

And even though this "new" Dark Energy is not matter anymore and is in fact Dark Energy - it cannot merge with the cooler, lighter Dark Energy because it is too energetic and because it is constantly being heated and renewed by the decay of the matter it surrounds - and so it has its own weight and encompasses its own zone, or field and has its own gravity associated with it.

These "hot" Dark Energy zones do merge and intertwine with other "hot" Dark Energy zones and form "bridges" and lattice where matter tends to converge

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