SSHEA-Successful Service Housing & Educational Arena's Inc.

10 months ago

We will be driving our Jetsuns is part of housing & transportation services. To help end homelessness starting in Hollywood/Los Angeles California. below is part of the business plan.

Major Housing Problem- millions of people throughout California state are either homeless or facing homelessness due to lack of Housing and Hospice Care services. Homeless Families, and Individuals must have permanent housing. And the Severally mentally ill must have Permanent Hospice care is essential for their personal situation, and mental needs. For a cleaner and safer living environment for residential and business city Areas. California homeless crisis now has a new and permanent housing solution to provide.
SSHEA Inc., presents Central Park in Los Angeles. “Emergency Housing, City Sanitation Clean-up Service” for the Homeless is the best solution to California’s housing crisis. The environment is completely unhealthy and unsafe for both the homeless person, passerby, tourist, and business owners. Emergency housing and city sanitation services must be provided for the homeless on a consistent basis.

Three Basic Emergency Community Service:

1. Emergency housing for individual men and women with or without children.
2. Rural Housing redevelopment for the severally mentally Ill individual.
3. 24-hour City Sanitation Clean-up Services for all city areas.
You just read part of the business plan. For more info contact yours truly at:
Email: or Website:

Next I will be making video's at the Hollywood YWCA Women's Center where I reside at. It was the Hollywood YWCA Women's Studio Building in Hollywood. Female celebrities' use to live there when they were homeless trying to make a name for themselves like: Marylyn Monero, Betty Davis, Betty White and many others. Now its a women's shelter. The women have asked me to do a video about their live story. I will do that later when I get this building on Gower/Hollywood Blvd Street. I will definitely interview your story when the SSHEA Headquarters is established. I have a meeting with Contractors on the 28th and beyond. Provided services through the LA City Mayor.

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