What brings an end to words? | CreativeThreads.com

1 year ago

What Brings an End to Words?
Unveiling the Silent Beauty Within

I have a question for you that may prompt, within your mind, an understanding of the true nature of infinity. This is not a theoretical question; it’s a practical one. The question is: what can eliminate the presence of words in this very moment? Here, by words, I refer to the activity of the mind that touches, defines, sets, questions, and understands. What can instantly put a halt to this activity of words in the present moment?

You may naturally presume that if such a possibility exists, it stems from an external source. This could be a person, a god, an intervention, or wisdom gleaned from a book. You might also believe in a certain internal power that you possess, which could accomplish this task. However, this question demands to be considered without such assumptions.

Thus, when it is asked, “What can put an end?” — the ‘What’ in itself becomes the query. What does it imply? Does it signify the ‘who’, the quality, the habit, skill, gift, grace, knowledge, circumstances? When you hear the question, “What can end all the activity of words in this present moment?”, the first word of the question is ‘What’. And you are advised not to assume anything about this ‘What’, including what it could potentially imply or represent. It may well represent nothing at all. So, don’t dismiss this possibility.

Now, as you proceed with the question, what can bring an end? The reality is that words are all you know. They are the only things that you associate with your identity, your needs, desires, complaints, issues, beliefs, and hopes — all words. This activity is occurring right now. Therefore, the scope of this question, “What can halt this activity of words?” is absolute. It is equivalent to asking “What can cease everything that you know?” because everything that you know is constructed, embellished, and woven together through this dance of words.

The last part of the question is vital: “At this present moment”. It’s not about stopping forever or until a point you can endure. The only thing you need to ask is, at this present moment, where words are the only things you know, “What can bring an end to the activity of words?”

No one knows the answer to that question. It is a true question because if asked plainly and directly, without any attempt to morph it into something else, it forces you to confront the reality of not knowing. You begin with the understanding that the only thing you know is words. You expand your understanding by observing, not by listening to words spoken to you, and realizing there is no answer you can formulate.

This may suggest that the one asking this question is the activity of words itself. The cessation of this activity signifies the end of the questioning function. It has been said that a true question does not yield an answer; instead, it dissolves into the unknown, allowing the true meaning to emerge.

A genuine question does not prompt a flurry of words. It challenges the mind to acknowledge the fine line of not knowing, and somehow, through what I might call miraculous power (though not in a mystical sense), to remain in that state, to feel comfortable with it, to see the beauty in it.

And that’s the only answer: ‘Beauty’. Not a beauty constructed by words or measured by standards, but a beauty that exists here and now. At this moment, the only thing that can halt the activity of words is beauty. The nature of this beauty is as unknown as the absolute unknown. It’s the same thing.

Until this beauty gently and tenderly begins to manifest in the present moment, everything else is merely a flurry of words. Going beyond this activity of words is the most profound and significant essence of life for a human being.


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