July 24th 2023... Eyes on the Stars... Revision time.

11 months ago

Morning!! Moon day Monday is here! What a week it’s going to be… astrology is off the charts, the energy is building up… I can feel that final push before birth approaching, this eclipse season will have us completely turned around heading is a very different direction emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and perhaps even physically!

We are getting to the pointy end now, be ready to pivot! Get yourself into gear and begin allowing yourself to see things from very different perspectives!

We can no longer be told what to do! We now have reached a passage within ourselves that we must attune too, as this will become our barometer going forward from here.

Trusting ourself to know the way, following our instincts, and mapping out our terrain.

The systems we have been indoctrinated to trust and believe in are crumbling before our eyes. To continue to follow this way will lead to more collapse. It’s time to step away from the race, because that race is not going to reach the finish line as it has in the past.

The pyramid system has failed and now we must recreate a new template for ourselves.
Cash is disappearing, it’s only a matter of time(within months) before we really awakened to see we have lost our freedoms.

So what’s the solution! This is where we must change our mindsets from competitive thinking to cooperative collaborative thinking.
How can we come together more effectively without the greediness of wanting to out do one another or out shine one another, or to steal others (ideas, customers, clients, projects, opportunities and IP) from one another, instead becoming truly supportive and collaborative willing to share and endorse each other’s qualities.

We can save ourselves, but that won’t save humanity, only ourself, and without a humanity who are we?
Coming together is the way to save humanity, not seeing ourselves as separate, instead seeing the whole. Peace on earth begins with peace within. Peace on earth cannot happen until there Is peace within each individual. Each individual is apart of the whole!

Pondering’s with Spirit, meditating on this beautiful morning landscape.


July 23: Venus in Leo rx, Sun enters Leo

July 24: Mercury square Uranus

July 28: Mercury conjunct Venus r×

July 29: Mercury enters Virgo

August 2: Full Moon in Aquarius, Mars trine Jupiter, Mercury opposite Saturn rx

August 7: Sun square Jupiter

August 10: Venus rx square Uranus, Mercury trine Jupiter

August 14: Sun conjunct Venus rx

August 16: Sun square Uranus

August 17: New Moon in Leo, Mars trine

Uranus August 23: Venus rx square Jupiter, Mars opposite Neptune

August 24: Sun enters Virgo

And so it is

#astrologer #visionary #guide #delahroseroobiemyer #lifestyledesigner
#BreatheDeeply #MysticalMagic #LanguageOfFrequencies

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