618:Ripple's UK Expansion and Ellison's Personal Struggles

10 months ago


Episode 618:
El Salvador's Bond Boom
Ripple Eyes UK Expansion
Ellison’s Diary Drama
Crypto Pie Grows
DxSale's $500 Bounty Scandal
CBDC Alert (Nigeria)


El Salvador's Bond Boom - Bitcoin adoption in El Salvador has led to a boom in the country's bonds, showcasing the intertwining of crypto and traditional financial systems.

Ripple Eyes UK Expansion - Amidst legal battles, Ripple forges ahead, forming new partnerships and expanding operations, signaling resilience and strategic foresight.

Ellison’s Diary Drama - Leaked diaries of Alameda Research's former CEO reveal personal struggles and doubts, adding a new layer of complexity to the firm's narrative.

Crypto Pie Grows - Anchorage reports an expansion in the institutional crypto pie, indicating growing interest from traditional institutions in a broader range of crypto assets.

DxSale's $500 Bounty Scandal - DxSale Network's lowball bounty offer to a security firm highlights issues around security and fair compensation in the crypto industry.

CBDC Alert (Nigeria) - In Nigeria, a social payments app shuts its crypto exchange as the Central Bank enhances its digital currency, reflecting the dynamic nature of the crypto space.

Crypto Overnighter Podcast (7/23/2023): Welcome back to the Crypto Overnighter with your host, Nikodemus. We provide nightly updates on cryptocurrency, NFTs, the metaverse, and the surrounding industry. Remember, this show does not offer financial advice.

Email: nick@cryptoovernighter.com
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