Elizabeth April - Remote Viewer - Reptilian Takeover 2023

1 year ago

Topics: Reptilian Agenda, their power structure and plans up to 2030.

Elizabeth says they are real, and they run the shadow government.

Reptilian's vibrate in 4th dimension frequency and most is in flight or fight.

Royal Families have more reptilian DNA.

They want to control the people without the people knowing they are being controlled. They want the people to use their free will to allow them to be controlled.

There are Underground Reptilians in DUMBS and Above ground deep in caves. They are tied to underground sex trafficking. The children are born underground. They cannot shapeshift underground.

Two types above ground. Shit Disturbers and the Bloodlines in Power. Shapeshifters

Shit Disturbers are the low levels who have abilities to inhabit a human body high in reptile DNA. There sole purpose is to disturb the peace. They are walking around among us.

The blood lines are some, not all politicians, celebrities, actors, magicians, and reporters. These are considered Prestigious Reptilians.

Then there are hybrids from the shit disturbers as they love spreading their seed.

Many choose fame and fortune by giving their soul - really their body to a reptilian.

Vibration of Earth is increasing which is killing them as they can't adapt.

Half of them believe they are winning and half are scared shitless.

What is next? A big Power Move. They want control and suppression. They will create weather / environmental disasters.

Food Scarcity by 2030. More mandates against free will.

AI interfering with humanity.

Distractions from realizing our potential.

Do not focus on negatives and focus on the Good.

When will it end? When we have power change and more global solutions in all fields.

2030 - the reptilians want full control, but we may be the winners if we wake up and don't feed their narrative.

Source: Elizabeth April -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPeBVD9A7ww&t=27s

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