Astrological Forecast H2 2023: Fires of Transformation | Austin Coppock

9 months ago

Can you believe it’s been six months since Austinmas??? Anyway, it has. A very big thank you to those who joined us on the live stream this weekend -and for all the birthday wishes.

During the show, Austin Coppock and I

🔮Looked back over what hit and what didn’t these past six months.
🔮Explored some of the wider contexts of Pluto in Aquarius and what it has to do with Uranus.
🔮Tabled some scenarios for current events in Eastern Europe.
🔮Looked at the forecast for the rest of this year.
🔮Unpacked, in particular, the upcoming Venus Retrograde and how we can be with that on an individual and collective level.
🔮Answered some fun questions from the live chat at the end.
🔮 Named several peacocks.


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Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

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