Sound of Adrenochrome

1 year ago

The grift that keeps on giving...

At the heart of the recent narrative put forward by Tim Ballard’s movie, The Sound of Freedom, is the recurring theme that sex traffickers are kidnapping children in order to sell their adrenalized blood. Wow, nasty.

In a recent video, Jim Caviezel elaborates in an interview with Steve Bannon, that, “The whole adrenochrome empire, this is a big deal… it’s a chemical compound, C9H9NO3 … it’s an elite drug, they’ve used for many years. It’s 10 times more potent than heroin. And it has some mystical qualities as far as making you look younger.”

First off, adrenochrome is a hallucinogenic and not an opioid, so Caviezel’s claim is inaccurate. Adrenochrome is categorized as a drug with psychotomimetic properties that mimics the symptoms of psychosis, including delusions and/or delirium, and hallucinations.

Adrenochrome is a synthetic chemical, made in a lab by oxidizing adrenaline. It is not produced by children when they are traumatized. Adrenaline is produced by your body but not adrenochrome.

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